Fast Fall Crochet Workshop - 5 Days!
  • Who is this workshop for? What skills are required?
    Anyone who loves to crochet, but lacks motivation to get quick projects done. I want to guide you every step of the way every day, and alleviate any challenges that prevent you from finishing a fabulous fall piece.

    You should be already familiar with basic crochet stitches such as sl st, sc, hdc, dc, and tr. It helps if you are also familiar with working in the round in addition to straight rows, but the tutorial videos will show you how.
  • What is included in this workshop?
    5 daily modules to guide you through making a:

    Each day's module contains 5 comprehensive lessons to cover everything you need to crochet each piece:
    PATTERN - digital crochet pattern
    SUPPLIES - list of supplies you will need
    SAMPLES - understand gauge and how to create a sample
    STITCHES - feel confident with guided tutorials to walk you through each stitch
    TIME - get an idea how long the project can take & how to plan for it

    You will also receive daily emails preceding and during your 5-day workshop, giving you encouragement and plans for the day.
  • When do I receive access to the workshop and how does the daily timing work?
    Immediately after purchase you will receive an email on how to create an account on the Thrivecart Learn platform. After that, you can log in to the workshop anytime. You will also receive an email welcoming you to the workshop and providing planning information. Once inside the platform, you will have access to the Welcome module and all of the workshop modules.
    Starting 2 days after you joined, you will receive emails for each project.  This gives you time to gather your supplies. The daily emails will follow the schedule Day 1 through Day 5.

    (Both Paypal and Credit Cards are accepted for payment in a secure transaction).
  • How long do I have access to the workshop?
    You can access the workshop anytime, for the lifetime of the workshop. You will also have access to any future updates to the workshop.
  • How long could this workshop take me to finish?
    You should be able to get through the entirety of the course within the 5 days of the workshop. I want to motivate you to finish the 'Fast Fall' projects every day! However, I know life happens and you may need to stop and revisit the workshop. That's absolutely fine. You can finish the projects on your own time in the future.
  • Is there a money back guarantee?
    I want you to be fully satisfied with this workshop. If it doesn't meet your expectations, please notify me within 2 days of purchase for a full refund.
    But I really believe YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • Is there support if I get stuck?
    Yes! I don't want you to struggle while working on the projects. Reach out to me at if you don't understand something.
  • Are the tutorial videos 'live' or very long? I don't have time to watch long videos...
    Each step of the projects are broken into manageable chunks. The tutorial videos are usually only 5-10 minutes long each, focusing on one thing. They are pre-recorded, not live, so you can watch them at your convenience.
  • What crochet terms (abbreviations) are used?
    I am based in the U.S., so therefore I use U.S. crochet terms.

Complete Your Order Now to Join
the "Fast Fall" Crochet Workshop

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Don't miss this amazing offer!

Special one-time offer!
Add the "Crochet Accessories Pattern Collection" for $9 to your order and you can enjoy even more simple patterns!  

You'll get these 8 crochet patterns in the collection:
- pattern for white shawl with tassels & buttons (wear it 2 different ways)
- pattern for chunky cowl 
- pattern for buttoned boot cuffs 
- pattern for cozy chunky mittens (with option to make them fingerless) 
- pattern for simple clutch purse 
- pattern for a cotton bucket hat 
- pattern for stylish ear warmer 
- pattern for striking crochet necklace

This collection is normally priced at $17, but you can get it today for only $9!

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Crochet Workshop Fast Fall$27

Regarding your purchase: Reselling, rewriting or distributing any part of this course is prohibited.

There is a 2-day refund guarantee if you are not completely satisfied after purchase.

  • Total payment
  • 1xCrochet Workshop Fast Fall$27

All prices in USD